Contemplative Life
The Incarnate Word decided to spend thirty years of His life in the silence of Nazareth before starting His public life; some of our members decide to follow Him in this way of life, and this is the Contemplative life.

The Contemplative life
is a radical separation from the world and a total dedication to prayer, meditation of the Holy Scriptures and contemplation of the mysteries of God. This life is one of the fundamental structures of the Holy Church. It has been present in all the phases of its history for centuries, attracting the highest and most noble souls.
The contemplatives
obtain from God the necessary graces for the salvation of many people through their prayers and penances, so “our monasteries of contemplative life should be magnets for the grace of God and lightning rods for His wrath. If it is God’s will, we will be able to multiply them all over the world! ‘The Church and the world… need… a small ideal society, where shall reign love, obedience, innocence, freedom from things and the art of their good use, the prevalence of the spirit and peace – in one word – the Gospel’” (Directory of Spirituality, 26).
The Institute has given a particular intention to each monastery for which its members offer their prayers and sacrifices.