
Father Carlos Miguel Buela was born in Buenos Aires on April 4, 1941 and he was ordained a priest in 1971.
He taught theology and Sacred Scripture in different seminaries and schools in Argentina, such as the Superior Institute of Catholic Culture (Rosario) and the Argentinian Catholic University, and he gave a valuable service in the parishes of Nuestra Señora de la Merced and Nuestra Señora del Rosario (San Martín Diocese—Buenos Aires). He has been a spiritual director and teacher in minor seminaries and in the Diocesan Seminary of San Rafael (Mendoza). In this Diocese he founded the religious order of The Institute of the Incarnate Word and the Religious House of Formation “Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word”.
He has written various books, among them: Catechism for Youth; Youth in the Third Millennium; María de Luján; Pan de Vida Eterna y Cáliz de Eterna Salvación (Bread of Eternal Life and Chalice of Eternal Salvation); Juan Pablo Magno (John Paul the Great); Servidoras; Mi Parroquia (My Parish); Ars Participandi; Fatima, y el sol bailò (Fatima, and the sun danced).
He is a great promoter of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, preacher and founder of various Houses of Mercy.