

Our spirituality 1 We seek to be anchored in the sacrosanct mystery of the Incarnation – the mystery of the Word made flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We can say that our spirituality is derived from the Person of the Word and His Mother, so that, in the Holy Spirit, we may become united to the Father. All the principles of our Institute’s spiritual life, as stated in the Directory of Spirituality, stem from the elucidation of the mystery of the Incarnate Word.


It must take precedence in our lives and actions “[T]he name, the teaching, the life, the promises, the kingdom and the mystery of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God”; 2, must take priority in our lives and actions, so that we do not put anything before His love.


In confessing the eternity, distinction and divinity of the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, we wish to nurture our desire to abandon ourselves completely to God’s “will of good pleasure,” to our love for the Trinity, and to the people created by God in His image and likeness3.


His First Coming accomplished by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s womb, must lead us to a total docility to the same Spirit and to a deep love for Mary, Jesus’ mother and ours. Based on the mystery of the Incarnation, the work of the Spirit in the Virgin Mary, we should always sing the mercies of God4 since “the immortality of blessedness becomes credible from the Incarnation of the Son of God.”5, We must understand clearly that without Jesus Christ we can do nothing 6, and that we must always tend to grow in virtue with all our strength.
Jesus is the “Way” to the Father, and nobody goes to the Father except through Him7. He has the only name by which we are to be saved (Acts 4:12). He is the One who makes the Church a “sacrament, that is, a sign and instrument of communion with God and of unity among all men.”8. He is the One who sustains all Church dogmas since He is “the truth that contains all others.”9. He is the One who shows us the primacy and weight of eternity over all temporal reality. To know that Jesus is true God must move us to practice the transcendental virtues: faith, hope and charity. It must move us to give an irreplaceable importance to a life of prayer, and to the need for active and passive purifications of the senses and the spirit.
Becoming man is “the first and fundamental mystery of Jesus,10 y and “God had never been so close to man – and man had never been so close to God – as in that precise moment: in the instant of the mystery of the Incarnation!”11. To know that Jesus is true man must make us realize that nothing authentically human is foreign to us provided we know how to assume it12, it must make us love, in Him, every human being in his or her totality, and to practice the mortifying virtues of self-denial. To know that both natures become indissoluble in Him must move us to recognize the double reality of grace and nature, without creating an erroneous fusion; we must be moved to practice seemingly opposing virtues, without falling into false, dualisms. Thus, the superior must assume the inferior, always seeking God’s greater glory and the salvation of humankind, which is the goal of the Incarnation.
His Earthly Life From the instant of the Incarnation, He gives us an example of a priestly surrender to the Father which we must imitate. In Mary’s womb, we are already present through the principle of koinonia, which teaches us to depend completely on His mother. In His hidden life, He teaches us to grow, to work, to be silent, to be subjected13, and to live with festive joy14; All of His words and actions nurture our spirituality.
His Departure From This World In a special way, our Lord’s Paschal mystery is an inexhaustible source of spirituality. His Passion, Death, descent into hell and Resurrection must always illuminate our lives. We must be experts in the wisdom of the cross, in the love of the cross, and in the joy of the cross.
His Glorious Life The splendid fact that Christ rose from the dead should lead us to live as a resurrected people, to live the freedom of God’s children, the characteristic of a New Man, in accordance with the New Law – the Holy Spirit. We should do so with immense joy, especially on Sunday, by knowing how to celebrate and by carefully dedicating ourselves to our mission.
His Mystical Life It is the wonder of the Church, Christ’s Body, nurtured by God’s Word, One, Holy, Catholic (missionary and ecumenical) and Apostolic, enriched and founded on the “three white things.” “the Eucharist, which perpetuates the Incarnation under the species of bread and wine by the action of the Catholic priesthood; the Most Holy Virgin Mary, who gave her yes so that from her flesh and blood the Word was made flesh 15; the Pope, in whom the Truth, the Will, and the Sanctity of Christ become flesh. 16.
His Second Coming We are certain that the Lord is coming and that we are walking toward Him. One day He will return in power and majesty; He will raise the dead and preside over the final judgment and the renewal of the universe.
We can synthesize our spirituality as follows:

Always Jesus and Mary; always Mary and Jesus.

To Mary through Jesus: Behold, your mother! (Jn 19:27).

To Jesus through Mary: Do whatever he tells you (Jn 2:5).

First Jesus, the God man;

then Mary, the Mother of God.

He, the Head; She, the Neck; we, the Body.

Everything through Jesus and through Mary;

with Jesus and with Mary; in Jesus and in Mary; for Jesus and for Mary.

In short, simply: Jesus and Mary; Mary and Jesus.

And through Christ, to the Father, in the Holy Spirit.

To Mary through Jesus: Behold, your mother! (Jn 19:27).

To Jesus through Mary: Do whatever he tells you (Jn 2:5).

First Jesus, the God man;

then Mary, the Mother of God.

He, the Head; She, the Neck; we, the Body.

Everything through Jesus and through Mary;

with Jesus and with Mary; in Jesus and in Mary; for Jesus and for Mary.

In short, simply: Jesus and Mary; Mary and Jesus.

And through Christ, to the Father, in the Holy Spirit.

1 Constitutions, 36-47.

2 Paul VI, Evangelii nuntiandi, nº 22.

3 Cf. Gen 1:26.

4 Cf. Ps 89:1.

5 SAINT AUGUSTINE, On the Holy Trinity, XIII, 9.

6 Cf. Jn 15,5.

7 Cf. Jn 14,6.

8 LG, 1.

9 BLESSED JOHN PAUL II, Speech to professors and students at Antonianum Pontifical Athenaeum in Rome (January 16, 1982), 5; OR (1/31/1982) Spanish Edition..

10 BLESSED JOHN PAUL II, Angelus Message (September 6, 1981), 1; OR (9/13/1981) Spanish Edition

11 BLESSED JOHN PAUL II, Angelus Message (August 2, 1981), 2; OR (8/9/1981) Spanish Edition

12&nbsp “What has not been taken has not been redeemed”; cf. AG 3, footnote 15.

13 Cf. Lk 2,51.

14 Cf. Lk 2,42.

15 Cf. Jn 1,14.

16 Constitutions 12

The Institue of The Incarnate Word


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