
The object of our apostolic action is everything that forms Christ in men and leads the souls to eternal salvation. We are dedicated to:

Preaching the
Word of God

which is more piercing than any two edged sword (Heb 4,12). The religious involved in this apostolate should live in intimate union with Christ and unconditional love for souls; they will remember that “all those who announce the Word, are the voice of the Word” (St. Augustine). The forms of preaching are: the study and preaching of the Holy Scriptures; the Theology of the Holy Fathers of the Church; Liturgy; Catechism; inter-religious dialogue; publication of magazines, essays and books; and presence on the Internet.


some of the religious of the Incarnate Word teach in seminaries and schools, providing the formation of suitable ministers of God and working so that the principles of the Gospel may effectively influence the lives of men. Theological, philosophical, scientific and cultural research are central points of our Charism.

Work in

the religious who take care of parishes should be available to hear Confessions at any time, preach Spiritual Exercises, offer true spiritual direction and religious instruction, organize courses on catholic culture and take special care of Sunday’s liturgy.


a remarkable aspect of our work in parishes is the oratory. The oratory was born of the faith and genius of St. Philip Neri, and developed by St. John Bosco. It is a place where the youth can join, spend time together and learn catholic doctrine. We must do apostolate with the youth since they are the future of the Church and society.

Works of

he who says that he loves God, but does not love his neighbour is a liar (1 Jn 4,20). Works of Mercy are an imitation of what the Incarnate Word did during His life: He passed through this world healing men from their physical and spiritual miseries, so that He gave convincing evidence of His mercy and of His love for the Father. The Institute provides material and spiritual assistance in houses of mercy, hospitals and orphanages.

These are just examples of our apostolic work. Other Apostolates are the Spiritual Exercises, which are days spent in retreat away from the world to pray, meditate and to find the will of God in ones personal life.

The Institue of The Incarnate Word


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